NCEM Support Opportunities

Our Mission’s ongoing financial needs include the following:

Workers’ Support

Monthly support for individual missionaries — for candidates joining us, and for long-serving workers in need of additional support. (Our General Fund does not make up for shortfalls in a missionary’s low support.) Contact us for a list of workers most in need.

General Fund

NCEM’s administrative costs are covered by our General Fund, which is supplied primarily by undesignated gifts to the Mission and by donors who consider “The General” to be an important ministry.


Our enlisted “Minute-Man” donors contribute financially to NCEM projects and covenant to give at least $5 per call (maximum of three “calls” each year). Projects have included things such as Bible school buildings, printing and video equipment (for the Tribal Trails TV broadcast), aircraft repairs, and traveling costs for evangelistic teams and Mission field leaders, and more.

Ministry Departments

Our ministry departments such as our Bible camps, publishing, Tribal Trails (television), and other NCEM departments each have their own financial needs and projects.

Designated Giving Policy

Spending of funds is confined to NCEM Board/Officers approved programs and projects. Each contribution designated towards a Board/Officers approved program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or the Board/Officers have determined it cannot be completed, the remaining contributions designated for such program or project will be used where needed most.