A Core Values statement gives the reader a glimpse into the heart of an organization. It tells you what we desire to be for God and humanity. Listed below are our five top foundational, functional and methodological values.

Foundational Values:

describe some of our core beliefs necessary for effective ministry.

We value:

1. Glorifying God Above All Else

NCEM exists for the purpose of glorifying God in all we do and especially by taking seriously the Great Commission and seeing it fulfilled in the context of and cooperation with the First Nations and Aboriginal peoples of Canada. We honor this value by:

  • dedicating ourselves to God for the purpose of sustained ministry
  • working faithfully so that God would receive the honor due His name
  • trusting God for the results of our ministry.
2. The Word of God as Our Final Authority

What we believe about God defines who we are. Therefore we have the highest respect and love for the Word of God. In it we are instructed about the character of God, His attributes and His will for humanity.

We honor this value by:

  • submitting all our endeavors and decisions to God’s Word, and never purposefully violating its standards
  • seeking direction from God’s Word in our decision making processes
  • adhering to our doctrinal statement in our actions and teaching.
3. Dedication to Prayer as a Basis for Ministry

We believe that God acts in response to prayer. Prayer is a declaration of God’s sufficiency and our need. Prayer demonstrates the denial of our self-sufficiency. We honor this value by:

  • taking time in prayer seriously, privately and corporately
  • admitting our inadequacies before God
  • doing battle against the enemy of God through prayer
  • recognizing God as the sole author of man’s salvation and therefore practicing intercessory prayer.
4. Complete Surrender to God in Faith

We persevere in completing our ministry with joy, even in the absence of ease and comfort. Our surrender to God supersedes our physical well-being. We honor this value by:

  • considering living by faith normal missionary experience
  • living in conditions and places that can be physically and emotionally challenging
  • persevering in ministry which is spiritually challenging
  • expecting God to supply our needs as He sees fit.
5. A Spirit-Controlled Life

We believe that reliance on the Holy Spirit must be demonstrated in our individual lives and organizational culture. We honor this value by:

  • striving for holiness
  • living in obedience to God’s revealed will
  • fleeing temptations by surrender to Christ
  • accepting help, counsel and correction from fellow workers and other believers.

Functional Values

describe how we endeavor to relate to each other within NCEM and how NCEM relates to others.

We value:

1. Integrity

God’s holiness demands our integrity. We affirm this value by:

  • looking for godly character as the hallmark in our staff and staff recruits
  • exercising the highest standards of ethical, legal and fiscal compliance
  • honesty in our personal lives and corporate dealings
  • excellence in our work for God.
2. Unity / Diversity

Individual giftedness, education and background are highly valued in order to bring completeness to the whole of NCEM for God’s glory. We affirm this value by:

  • recognizing and welcoming the potential in others
  • seeking staff from a variety of cultural and educational backgrounds
  • encouraging the discovery and application of spiritual giftedness
  • looking for the suitable ministry fit for individuals and families
  • furthering the development of each member of NCEM.
3. Teamwork

Through teamwork man is allowed to mirror the unity within the Godhead. God’s design of His church presupposes teamwork. We affirm this value by:

  • recognizing the image of God in all believers and humanity in general
  • exercising the biblical principles of mutual respect toward one another
  • interdependence among all believers, including our supporting constituency, to see the Great Commission accomplished
  • valuing each member’s contribution as God’s gift toward the completion of His kingdom
  • encouraging teamwork wherever practical
  • modeling to fledgling churches the principal of unity under God.
4. Leadership / Communication

Christian leadership is the art of having functional hierarchy without superiority. Clear communication furthers organizational health. We affirm these values by:

  • expecting to see the servant leadership of Christ, which He practiced during His earthly ministry, modeled by all NCEM leaders and staff
  • seeking to discern and develop leadership potential in our staff
  • recognizing that the most effective leaders are lifelong learners
  • practicing effective communication within the organization and with those working in association with us.
5. Planning / Goal Setting

We believe that Christ has a clear vision for the unreached. Vision defines goals, and goals presuppose planning. We affirm this value by:

  • seeking to line up our vision for the lost with that of Christ
  • recognizing that we are accountable to Christ for our work
  • pursuing clearly defined goals to realize the establishment of His church among the lost

Methodological Values

describe how we intend to implement our vision.

We value:

1. Indigenous Church Multiplication

We believe that healthy indigenous churches are the means by which God intends to transform a culture. We define an indigenous church as a fellowship of believers that is representative of the local community and culture and led by local Christians. We implement this value by:

  • seeking to establish strong indigenous multiplying churches
  • using a five-stage strategy which consists of preparing, discovering, presenting, discipling, multiplying.
2. Worldview-Based Ministry

Worldview based ministry is an approach to ministry which recognizes the understanding of the host culture as essential to an effective church planting ministry. We implement this value by:

  • acquiring a thorough working knowledge of the host culture and language (where necessary)
  • practicing Christ-like living
  • creating tension in the worldview of the host culture
  • a narrative style of Bible exposition
  • striving to minimize and avoid syncretism.
3. Relational Ministry

Christ’s incarnation provides the model for relational ministry. We implement this value by:

  • living among the host culture in such a way that it leads to the building of meaningful relationships and friendships based on love and respect
  • becoming an incarnational testimony to Christ through serving and sacrificing for the benefit of the host culture.
4. Bible Exposition Through Narrative

In cultures where beliefs are transmitted through local narrative, the Scriptures need to be transmitted through chronological narrative Bible teaching and storytelling which can be understood by the host culture. We implement this value by:

  • discovering how the host culture uses story to communicate their own worldview
  • using the host culture’s style of communication to teach the whole of Scripture
  • recognizing the time it takes for the host culture’s understanding of God’s plan of salvation (as declared from Genesis to Revelation) to form providing a basis for the acceptance of God’s ultimate authority.
5. Cultural Sensitivity

In our North American context, the history of dealings by Caucasian and other cultures with the First Nations Peoples and Aboriginals is predominantly one of subjugation and paternalism. As representatives of Christ we value all of humanity equally and endeavour to avoid all forms of paternalism. We implement this value by:

  • displaying humility toward the host culture
  • practicing genuine sensitivity toward cultural and individual hurts of the past
  • being careful to value the gifts and abilities of members of the host culture
  • giving special care to the preparing and multiplying stages of the church planting strategy.