What is NCEM?

Northern Canada Evangelical Mission (NCEM) is an interdenominational faith organization seeking to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Native peoples of Canada. Organized in 1946, we currently have a membership of about 90 full-time missionaries (plus associate, honorary, and Governing Board members) on about 20 stations across the country and in specialized ministries.

Actually, a better question is who is NCEM? because behind our organization, our ministries and our equipment … are our people! (If you’d like, you can meet our missionaries.)

We are a group of evangelical Christians made up of individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. We may be Caucasian, Aboriginal, or Asian … Canadian, American or European by birth. We are from various church backgrounds: Baptist, Mennonite, Evangelical Free, Alliance, Associated Gospel, independent or other denominations.

We are young people and older, married and single. We have a variety of interests and abilities. Some of us are former business owners or employees … some of us came directly from college.

We are individuals, each different from the other, yet bonded together by a common cause. With a goal to make disciples of Jesus Christ among Canada’s First Peoples and establish indigenous churches that will propagate the Gospel in their own communities and beyond, NCEM faces the challenge of evangelizing still unreached areas, discipling Native believers, and training church leaders.

NCEM is a member of Missio Nexus (a worldwide association of mission organizations), and adheres to its high standards. An independent accountant audits NCEM’s finances each year. Our annual financial statement will be provided upon request.