Our Mandate

NCEM exists to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ among and in partnership with the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada and related people groups.

Our Vision

By faith to establish strong indigenous multiplying churches

Our Ministries through prayer:


  1. To carry on a regular program of evangelism among Aboriginal Peoples of Canada.
  2. To disciple and teach believers towards maturity in Christ.
  3. To engage in translation and literacy work in order to provide Scriptures and related materials in the Aboriginal languages.
  4. To use media and technology in the accomplishment of the above goals.


  1. To encourage, support and work together with evangelical Aboriginal believers, churches and organizations.
  2. To cooperate with other evangelicals ministering among Aboriginal Peoples.
  3. To assist non-Aboriginal churches with outreach to the Aboriginal community.
  4. To co-operate with “tentmakers” and Christian professionals in ministry to and with the Aboriginal community.

Member Care / Training

  1. To provide leadership, training, counseling and care to enable NCEM staff to minister effectively in a cross-cultural environment.
  2. To make language training available for missionaries.
  3. To encourage and provide opportunity for Mission members to receive training to become effective leaders within NCEM.

Public Relations

  1. To present the ministry and needs of NCEM to the Body of Christ.
  2. To promote increased understanding, love and acceptance for Aboriginal peoples in the Body of Christ.