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We’re an interdenominational ministry seeking to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ among and in partnership with the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada.
Our Vision: by faith to establish strong indigenous multiplying churches.
We hope our web site helps give you a glimpse of who we are and what we do. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.
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Associate missionary, Murray Hack, who serves as pastor of Good News Chapel (C&MA) in Regina, Saskatchewan, writes, “As pastor of an inner city church … I have many stories about people with significant daily struggles … truly there is an urgency and persistence necessary.”
some of our recent articles
A Life That Counts
“I never thought my life was worth much while growing up,” writes associate missionary, Liz Genaille.
Faces & Places
NCEM News & Notes for Praise & Prayer

On Tribal Trails in February
Weekend of February 2 • God Gave Me A Path (Michael Friesen). Because Mike witnessed a lot of violence in his family, he ran away and ended up in street gangs. He was in and out of prison for many years, but God still had a plan for Mike. In a deep life crisis, he cried out to God and God changed his life around. Now he is addiction free, and reconciled with his family.
Weekend of February 9 • Dealing With Depression (Joey & Mary Lounsbury, part 1). Joey shares that he committed his life to Jesus as he was in a mental crisis. Then he was healed from depression through a long process with a lot of prayer and healthy life changes. They both share how they now run their family, business and spiritual life, and try to give their children a healthy, spiritual environment.
Weekend of February 16 • Match Made in Heaven (Valentines … Joey & Mary Lounsbury, part 2, and Jerry & Rose Hale). Joey & Mary met in his church when her family was doing music. They wanted to get to know each other, even though they lived far from each other. Joey often visited her in her parents’ home, and he finally asked her father for permission to marry her. They have seven children and run their own business. Rose & Jerry Hale tell how they got to know each other many, many years ago. They share very vividly how God worked out the details in the process of them getting together.
Weekend of February 23 • Heaven and Earth (David Lilly). David Lilly shares about spiritual war in both the heavenly realm and here on earth. The Bible passage that David begins with is found in Revelation chapter 12.
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