Tribal Trails Viewers Write Back

At NCEM’s Tribal Trails, our work isn’t finished after our weekly half-hour Native Gospel TV program has aired.

In fact, much of it is just beginning! … responding to viewers who write or call seeking spiritual help. Letters are written, materials mailed and, where possible, personal visits are made. Rejoice with us as we see the Lord working in hearts. Here are excerpts from a few recent letters:

  • “I have great news. After reading all the material you sent me, I got involved with the church and I accepted Jesus into my life. I feel different; I’m more happier [and] I don’t let problems bother me. Most important of all, I know Jesus is with me and that He is in my heart. I’m so glad that I phoned you.”
  • “… I wish to become a Christian. I’m 28 years-old and I would like to know God better. I have two children, a boy and a girl … I wish for my children to know God more. When I was growing up I was only taught there was a creator, but never taught why God died. I only now found out why God died, from my Christian friend (another Tribal Trails viewer). Can you send me a Bible? I have been a follower of the world for quite some time. I think it is time to follow our Lord Jesus and have a long and lasting life.”
  • “I’m doing well. As long as I stay on Jesus’ path, I’m okay. The reason I’m writing is because I’ve finished the book that I’ve received. Is it is possible that you could send [more] booklets? I’m learning a lot. If I would not do those study books and read the Bible, I would be dead by now. But since I’ve been reading and learning, my life has changed for the better, because of your caring for me and understanding the problems that I’ve been going through many years.”
  • “I believe your program was instrumental in turning me to Jesus twenty years ago.”
  • “I would like to begin by telling you how grateful I am that I am able to tune in to your program on satellite TV. Your telecasts are so inspirational. I enjoy the testimonies and the music … I have been walking with the Lord for a little more than a year. I am writing to you, seeking spiritual help, guidance, and direction … We live in an isolated community and, as far as we know, we are the only saved people here … My wife and I are both spiritually young and we don’t know where to begin. Please write or phone me.”
  • “I was turning channels when I was sick and saw your program. I took down the web site and looked it over. Now I have saved it as a ‘Favourite.’ I loved the interview on your site. Your program has given me renewed Christian faith…”

Tribal Trails viewers know that our broadcasting costs are mentioned very minimally on air — we want to use every minute for sharing the Gospel. We appreciate your prayers and gifts (please designate “Tribal Trails”).

*Some of these letter excerpts have been edited for space and clarity.

Adapted from our Northern Lights magazine (Issue #486). Note: some of the locations and involvements of our missionaries may have changed since the original publishing of this article.