NCEM’s Mandate is: “to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ among and in partnership with the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada…”
Our Tribal Trails television ministry, launched in the early 1980s, is a great example of this partnership. Tribal Trails TV enables First Nations believers to share their faith with their own people – and the rest of world. Really, without Native people contributing, there would be no Tribal Trails ministry.
Along with our Mandate, NCEM’s stated Vision is: “by faith to establish strong indigenous multiplying churches.”
Through our broadcasts and DVD distribution, Tribal Trails helps facilitate evangelistic efforts of missionaries and Native churches. In our follow-up of viewers, we seek to connect them with local believers and a Bible-teaching church, if there is one in their area.
Television is one-way communication, so we’re grateful for opportunities to get to know viewers through our “spiritual help-line.” Viewers write, or call our advertized phone number anytime day or night.
The following is a sample of recent contacts. We include them here to encourage prayer for our viewers, and for us in this media ministry:
Thankful for reading material …
“Thank you so much for the parcel of wonderful reading material,” wrote M.L. “I will be reading every night. I will also send my son his Bible (which you sent) and pray that he will begin a new path soon.”
Online Bible studies …
L.P. wrote to say, “I just finished the study ‘What the Bible Teaches About God and Jesus Christ’ (on your website). This is one terrific study. I am so grateful for the love of Jesus and all He has done for me. Makes me want to pray so much more for all who are lost.”
Has never walked away …
It was a joy to talk with an 87 year-old Cree man who watches Tribal Trails. He is quite knowledgeable about the Bible. He told us how he got saved many years ago. “I have never walked away from it,” he said.
Reaching south, as well …
One of our USA viewers wrote to say: “I am part Delaware Native, on my mother’s and father’s side. I have been blessed by your program.”
Wants to change …
J.C. listened to one of our guests tell of his “changed life,” and called to say he wants to change, too. He said he was tired of being the “bad guy.” He was interested in our offer of literature.
Broken up …
A caller said she was “broken up” because of her gambling habit, realizing how it was out of control. We talked with her about freedom in Christ through repentance and faith. We encouraged her to seek God and to read the Bible to understand who He is. She asked to be on our prayer list.
Who we are in Christ …
A.P. told us how she has failed God and feels like a castaway. With Scripture, we tried to help her understand God’s forgiveness, and that He is more concerned with who we are becoming and how we are living, rather than what we’ve done.
The Gospel for all nations …
Tribal Trails gives opportunity for First Nations believers to witness to their own people, but many others are benefitting, too. J.S. told us that she is originally from the West Indies, lived in the US, and recently moved to Canada. She wants to support Tribal Trails monthly.
Another caller, from Toronto, asked us to pray for her mother and two sisters in India, that they could come to Canada and get saved.
Impact of a testimony …
“The first time I watched Tribal Trails I accepted the Lord into my heart,” said P.B. “I was watching a young man from Winnipeg, how he got away from drugs and alcohol and how he accepted the Lord. I try very hard to live … the Lord’s way.”
Personal Relationship? …
A caller, who told us about being part of a church all her life, asked us what a “personal relationship with Christ” is.
Wanting More …
An 82 year-old man told us that he can no longer walk, so he appreciates our program very much. He said he’d received literature from us about a year ago and was wanting more.
If you would like to know more about our TV ministry, please request to be placed on the Tribal Trails mailing list. There are usually only two mailings each year – one includes a full-color wall calendar.
(from Northern Lights issue #528)