Making Disciples

by Dennis & Amanda Anderson

Church Planting or Making Disciples?



Before Jesus went back to heaven, He told His disciples to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:20a niv) and to “preach the gospel to all creation” (Mk. 16:15). Notice that He didn’t tell them to save the world or even plant churches. That’s His job (Matthew 16:18). Our job description is to make disciples and proclaim the Good News.

One day as Dennis was in his study with the open window behind him, he heard an interesting comment. A grandmother happened to be walking by with her granddaughter. Dennis listened to the little girl tell the older woman, “They make Christians there.” She was referring to the small chapel building known as the “Gospel Mission at Big Eddy.” The conversation faded into the background, but the comment lingered on to be pondered.

Really? Is that what we do? Are we even able to do that? Isn’t that what Jesus does? A missionary is to make disciples, aren’t they? That’s why we proclaim the Good News—the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We teach the Bible to those who want to listen, and Jesus builds His Church. That takes a lot of stress off the missionary’s back. This frees him to simply and lovingly share Jesus in word and deed and lets Jesus do what only He promises to do—to save individuals and build His Church. •

Sunday gathering at Riverside Bible Church, The Pas, MB.

(from Northern Lights issue #559)