Consider Serving with NCEM as a Career Missionary
There’s no substitute for long-term commitment in reaching Canada’s First Peoples! We have career opportunities in church-multiplying ministries in Native communities, as well as in supportive and technical areas.
NCEM’s focus is church-multiplying ministries in First Nations and Inuit communities — remote, semi-remote, and urban. We need missionaries who will live and serve in these locations, working to establish indigenous fellowships that will develop into healthy multiplying churches. All of our other ministries serve as a support to that goal.

Got questions, like … do I have what it takes?
A daily walk with God … studying the Bible, praying, fellowshipping with other believers, working for the Lord and sharing your faith … things that should characterize every Christian’s life. Missionary life is all of these … and more!
More challenges, yes, but also exciting and unique rewards and joys! Usually a short-term experience with us helps answer many of your questions.
… or, what if I’m not gifted in preaching or teaching?
At NCEM we try to match your desires and spiritual gifts for service with your ministry assignment. While the establishing of indigenous fellowship groups is our goal and main focus, there are still many places to serve where you don’t need the “pastoral” gifts of preaching and teaching.
As you can see on our Urgent Opportunities list, there are a variety of technical and support assignments. And, as far as personal outreach to First Nations, every NCEMer can be a friend to someone! — opportunities for informal evangelism and discipling are usually not hard to find.