A Lot of Ground to Cover

by Merrill Greene

As I write this report, I am in the midst of preparing lessons on Chapters 12-14 of Revelation for our weekly Bible study at Saint Mary’s First Nation in New Brunswick. A group of us will be travelling to Ottawa for the National Prayer Breakfast, and the study will generate great opportunities for discipleship and important conversations.

In addition to serving with NCEM, I also teach part-time at two Christian universities. Some of my students have now been exposed to ministry on the reserve and are interested in volunteering at Saint Mary’s this coming fall! Summer plans include youth and young adults events, including board game nights, working with the homeless, and a three-day trip to Prince Edward Island.

Social ills related to drugs and organized crime have affected many on the reserve, and sometimes there doesn’t seem to be any end to the suffering or trauma people are experiencing.

As we look forward to planting a church and holding regular services on the reserve, I am encouraged by the fact that I am not doing this alone, and that there are many faithful believers, both old and new, who are invested in the community.

Please pray for Canada’s eastern regions. The number of missionaries working among First Nations out here is small, and there is a lot of ground to cover!

Merrill Greene serves in New Brunswick.

(from Northern Lights issue #567)