by Liz Genaille
“For the Son of man has come to seek and save that which were lost.” Luke 19:10
I never thought my life was worth much while growing up. It seemed that I was the only one who would never amount to anything. Those days were lonely and frustrating, as many of the other kids would make fun of me.
“Why are they doing it?” I wondered. To this day, I don’t know why they did that to me. It made me feel so alone.
As I look at Scripture and read about the people who Jesus chose, today I can look back and see how Jesus had me in His mind long before I was even born. He probably said, “Here is one I can use.”
And He knew who I was. It’s not that I am someone perfect or special, but Jesus can use anyone He chooses. If I was Jesus, I would never pick me, but He came to seek and save the lost, so I fit in that category. One day I knelt down and gave my life to Him.
Zaccheus in the New Testament was despised by the people in his time. He was even hated, but Jesus chose him and used him. Zaccheus gave his life to the Lord and he was used by the Lord.
Have you ever considered how God is willing to meet you right where you are? All He wants you to do is admit your need for Him. You, too, can come to Him by accepting His gift of salvation.

Liz and her late husband, Bert, served in full-time ministry, and have been regular guests on NCEM’s Tribal Trails TV program.
This article is reprinted from “Council Fire.” Liz is an NCEM associate missionary, and among the 60-or-so Indigenous writers who have contributed to these daily devotional books published by Indian Life Ministries. Copies are available for purchase at
(from Northern Lights issue #567)