Parlane, Rob & Kari

introducing our missionaries...

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It was the year the “world shut down.” My husband, Rob, & I (Kari) were sitting in our living room and wondering what to do next. We had been active in ministry for a number of years to that point, organizing events, and hosting prayer meetings and Bible studies in our home.

Now, all of a sudden, we weren’t able to do any of that. But the message of the Gospel still needed to be shared! And now, more than ever, people needed to be encouraged!

It was a “lightbulb moment” as we realized that media was still getting out to people. Rob, as a computer technician, is no stranger to technology, so we began preparing to expand our reach via media. We secured what we could for lighting, audio, & video, and began using ZOOM to continue our regular prayer meetings. But we were compelled to do more, and it seemed as though we needed more than just the two of us to accomplish it.

During this time, Tribal Trails crossed our path, and we sensed this was the team we were looking for. Tribal Trails is a unique TV program put out by NCEM that involves Native believers singing and sharing their stories of salvation. To date, they have been faithfully broadcasting across Canada for 40 years! Rob & I began the process of applying with NCEM to work with Tribal Trails and were officially accepted May 31, 2022!

For me, it has been a bit like going back to my roots. You see, my dad & mom (Roger & Patti Hill) joined NCEM in the early years as a traveling ministry. My three younger sisters and I were also very glad to be a part of that ministry, known as The Singing Hills. Throughout the years, we have recorded with Tribal Trails. It has been a joy to be in the service of the Lord since I dedicated my life to Him at 13 years old!

My husband, Rob, grew up in a Christian home with parents who worked at Prairie Bible College in Three Hills, AB. He received his education through Prairie for elementary, high school, and Bible school. Rob accepted the Lord into his heart as a child, and has also been active in ministry throughout his life, particularly as a sound technician.

Currently we live in Three Hills, AB, and have two sons in their late 20’s. I will be working full-time with Tribal Trails. While our support is being raised, Rob will work part-time with Tribal Trails, around his job at the local honey plant. We are looking forward to seeing how the Lord will lead in this new chapter.