introducing our missionaries...
The Dafoes kept busy in ministry on and around Siksika, Alberta, well into their senior years, and have more recently moved to live in Brooks, Alberta.
Though missions had been an early and ongoing interest, it wasn’t until later in life that Ken and Vi found themselves on the road to full-time cross-cultural ministry.
Ken & Vi both had been influenced by their families towards a relationship with the Lord at an early age. When he was six, Ken’s family had moved to Three Hills (AB) where his parents, as new Christians, attended Prairie Bible Institute. They moved several times after that, finally settling on the family farm in Ontario. Then Ken returned to Three Hills to attend high school and Bible school. With the daily diet of missions at PBI, Ken says, “I just accepted the fact that someday I would be a missionary somewhere.”
One summer Ken worked with the Canadian Sunday School Mission in rural Alberta, and following his graduation CSSM sent him west of Olds to teach Vacation Bible School and then stay on as pastor.
It was there that he met Vi, one of eight children from a Mennonite farm family. “Ken had the choice of us three girls,” says Vi, “but I was the one he chose!”
It was in the secular work world, not in missions nor the pastorate, however, where the Dafoes settled. Ken drove a city bus in Edmonton, and was later employed as a truck serviceman. Though they didn’t realize it, through their ongoing personal contact with First Nations people, God was preparing them for something more.
Referring to this period in their lives, Ken says, “I was too busy either with work or family to consider joining a mission to Native people.” Vi adds, “I was always interested in missions, and we took many missionaries into our home … but I never even gave a thought to being a missionary myself because I have always had health problems.”
They raised four children of their own and had numerous others stayed with them for short or longer periods. Then, at age 60, after being laid off from his work in Brooks, Alberta, Ken found himself at a crossroads. The timing of a visit from then NCEM representatives, Harvey & Evie Everett, was providential. Ken and Vi had already sold their home in anticipation of a move. After summer ministry with the NMTC program, the Dafoes joined NCEM in 1990.
“We were open to any assignment,” they recall, “but were really not prepared for Ft. McPherson, NWT!.” Arriving at the Mission’s most northerly station in December on an “endless road,” they were greeted with 24 hours of darkness, -40 temperatures, no firewood and a broken water system. It was not an easy start, but they began ministry and soon found many friends in the community.
After five years there, they moved to the Siksika Reserve east of Calgary. “[Ministry there] has had its disappointments … but we do have some very good friends.” And they have been encouraged with the emerging Native church leadership at Siksika.